God is so very Faithful, and His timing is perfect
WE REACHED OUR GOAL FOR THE SEEDMONEY FUNDRAISER ! If you can’t tell, I’m excited and humbled. I’m not talking about the original $800 goal, but the stretch goal of $2,500. And we raised EXACTLY $2,500.
But here’s the thing: it wasn’t planned, most of the pieces fell into place in the last 24 hrs of the fundraiser, and it wasn’t until hours after the event was over I realized we raised the exact amount - down to the penny.
Please read to the end - its the details that make this so much more amazing, so I would like to walk you through the timeline.
Nov. 4th I emailed our leaders for prayers to cover our monetary needs, and that the fundraiser would start soon and I would send more info when it did. (Side note - other funds from many different sources started to arrive since this email, and are helping tremendously)
Nov. 19th I emailed everyone our fundraiser link - and revealed the big $2,500 goal for it. To understand how big that was - I originally set it up as $800, and last year we raised $300.
As of yesterday, the day before the fundraiser ended, we had just received a donation, then the leaderboard was released. We would be in the bracket that gained us an additional $200 - but just barely. If other gardens gained more donations we would get bumped out of our spot.
This morning I checked the new leaderboard - we were even closer to being bumped out. I sent an email out, and posted on social media for help - I calculated $11 more dollars should secure us the bonus $200.
11:20 am (it ended at noon) - I checked and we were still at the same amount. So I posted an urgent request on social media and texted for reinforcements.
We had a $100 donation come through! This secured our bonus $200 :)
At this point I started to carry on with my day, but checked my phone to see an email that we have a $1500 check on the way to help us reach our goal. At this point I’m on the verge of tears, beyond humbled and appreciative. I quickly run the numbers, and realize it puts us $60 away from our goal, and being soooo close I consider our goal basically met. I’m full of joy. The next couple hours I focus on family time.
Sometime in the afternoon, I check my email and notice near the end we received an additional $60 donation.
That brought us to exactly $2,500. That stretch goal, that number I put in the email a month ago.
When God puts something on our hearts, He means it. It may not happen the way we calculate it out in our heads, with the timing that WE think it should happen. But He does so with great purpose. I hope its clear how God orchestrated all this - and was possible because all of our donors listened to what He put on their hearts to help us out.
Thank you to each and every one of you that helped us out - both monetarily and your prayers. God multiplied it and heard every single one.
Love and blessings,
Tera Domaradzki
Executive Director, Imagine Community Gardens